Monday, July 18, 2011

Unhealthy Eating Increases as Black Unemployment Rises

African-American unemployment is at 16.2% compared to overall Americans unemployment sitting at 9.2%. As unemployment rises, so do trips to fast food establishments due to their cheap offerings and ease of access. The quality of food is less, but so is the price and time it takes to get the food. With people trying to make ends meet by working multiple part time jobs or hunting for jobs, this makes unhealthy eating a sometimes necessary option. The foods at fast-food places are cheaper and more convenient but at the price of having more calories that fill you up less.
In a twist of irony, hunger is spreading with soup kitchens and food pantries are seeing a record increase in demand as the recession continues. One non-profit out of New York City reported over a 100,000 person increase in 3 years in people served. This unprecedented call for help reminds us to give thanks for what we have.


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